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Needed to maintain your coffee machine
Needed to use your coffee machine
With a bean grinder, you can grind your coffee beans for your espresso. You can choose the grind size that best suits your coffee beans.
Leeg je filterdrager in een uitklopbak nadat je koffie hebt gezet. Of kies voor Sage The Puck Sucker, en verwijder je gebruikte koffie automatisch.
Met een waterfilter voorkom je kalkvorming in de leidingen. Wanneer je een waterfilter gebruikt, is ontkalken minder vaak nodig.
Also useful
This way, you can get the most out of your product.
This way, you can get the most out of your product.
This way, you can get the most out of your product.
The tamping mat is made of silicone, so you'll have a lot of grip on your counter.
Choose your insurance
Of course, you're careful with your new purchase. But accidents happen. You can choose the preferred coverage yourself below.