Is it raining dogs and cats? Or pipe stealing? Is the summer over? Are you a fair-weather cyclist and your motivation to climb on your Tacx drops just as fast as the temperature outside? This Garmin Ant USB stick will get you through the winter!
Because what could be better than being able to participate in interactive courses on a laptop from the Tacx, or to train very specifically? With this USB stick you can connect your Garmin sensors to your laptop or PC in no time, after which you can monitor your progress on the screen.
As we are used to from Garmin, connecting the hardware is a piece of cake. Connect seamlessly. As we've come to expect from Garmin, the hardware/software combination is awesome. In Garmin Express you should be able to use your sensors first after installing the USB stick. But so far I have not succeeded.
Fortunately, parties such as Strava and TrainerRoad (to be linked with Strava) have dived into this hole. Both are highly recommended, the first for interactive racing and the second for targeted training. I am writing this review with severely soured legs after a heavy baseline measurement this morning on TrainerRoad.
In short: recommended! One downside: the price is a bit on the high side. I think it is best to offer such a stick for a lower price.
Oh yes, the USB stick can also be used in the summer. :)