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IR extenders

IR extenders

  • 3 extenders

IR extenders allow you to control your devices in a closed cabinet. Place a small sensor within view of your remote. This sensor will transfer the signal to the IR extender in your cabinet. This way, you can control up to ten devices while the cabinet stays closed.

Marmitek Invisible Control 6 XTRA Remote Extender IR extender
For 2 cabinet parts | Works with almost any A/V device | Only a small IR receiver is visible | 10m range | Batteries or power grid
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Marmitek IR Control 10 XTRA IR extender
For 10 devices | Works with virtually all A/V devices | 3m cable from IR receiver | 8 meters of range | Batteries or mains power
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Marmitek IR 100 USB Infrared Extender IR extender
For multiple devices | Works with almost all AV devices | Infrared receiver
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