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Maximum purifiable surface
Noise level according to Coolblue test
Suitable for room in case of asthma
Suitable for room in case of allergies
Air purifier or multifunctional air purifier
Humidification function
Performance in Clean Air Delivery Rate

Air purifiers with fan function

Air purifiers with fan function

  • 10 air purifiers

If you're looking for an air purifier that can also give a cool breeze in the summer, you need an air purifier that can function as a fan. These air purifiers with carbon filter also purify the breeze to prevent smoke and cooking odors. If you choose an air purifier with HEPA filter, it also cleans pollen and fine dust from the air.

Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde - PH04 Air purifier with fan function
Maximum to be purified 16 m2 | 61,5 dB maximum noise level | Humidifier
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Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool - HP10 Air purifier with fan function
63 dB maximum noise level | None humidifier | Heating function
599,- 499,-
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Dyson Purifier Cool - TP10 Air purifier with fan function
61 dB maximum noise level | None humidifier | None heating function
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Philips AMF765/10 Air purifier with fan function
Maximum to be purified 54 m2 | 47 dB maximum noise level | 22 m2 with asthma
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Philips AMF870/15 Air purifier with fan function
Maximum to be purified 54 m2 | 46 dB maximum noise level | 22 m2 with asthma
Delivered tomorrow
Dyson Pure Cool - TP00 Air purifier with fan function
62 dB maximum noise level | None humidifier | None heating function
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Dyson Purifier Hot + Cool Formaldehyde - HP09 Air purifier with fan function
Maximum to be purified 45 m2 | 63 dB maximum noise level | 9 m2 with asthma
Sold out online
Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde - TP09 Air purifier with fan function
61,5 dB maximum noise level | None humidifier | None heating function
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Dyson Purifier Big + Quiet Formaldehyde - BP03 Air purifier with fan function
Maximum to be purified 100 m2 | 56 dB maximum noise level | None humidifier
Temporarily sold out
Dyson Purifier Cool Auto React - TP07A Air purifier with fan function
Maximum to be purified 27 m2 | 61,5 dB maximum noise level | None humidifier
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