Air purifiers with fan function
Air purifiers with fan function
- 10 air purifiers
If you're looking for an air purifier that can also give a cool breeze in the summer, you need an air purifier that can function as a fan. These air purifiers with carbon filter also purify the breeze to prevent smoke and cooking odors. If you choose an air purifier with HEPA filter, it also cleans pollen and fine dust from the air.
Maximum to be purified 16 m2
61,5 dB
maximum noise level
63 dB
maximum noise level
None humidifier
Heating function
61 dB
maximum noise level
None humidifier
None heating function
Affordable Second Chance
Maximum to be purified 54 m2
47 dB
maximum noise level
22 m2
with asthma
Affordable Second Chance
Maximum to be purified 54 m2
46 dB
maximum noise level
22 m2
with asthma
Affordable Second Chance
62 dB
maximum noise level
None humidifier
None heating function
Affordable Second Chance
Maximum to be purified 45 m2
63 dB
maximum noise level
9 m2
with asthma
61,5 dB
maximum noise level
None humidifier
None heating function
Maximum to be purified 100 m2
56 dB
maximum noise level
None humidifier
Maximum to be purified 27 m2
61,5 dB
maximum noise level
None humidifier
Affordable Second Chance