What are the regulations for phone use in the car?
When do you get a ticket?
The rules for phone use in the car have become even stricter. You can no longer have your phone in your hand and use it, even when you're at a traffic light. The ticket doesn't just apply to making calls while driving, but to any use of your smartphone. You can also get a ticket if you put your smartphone on your lap, on your dashboard, or on the passenger seat to quickly check your messages. The ticket has been increased to € 174.
In what way are you allowed to use your phone?
You don't get a ticket if your device is placed in a mount in your car. Do you want to use your smartphone while on the go to navigate or play music? Make sure you've installed a phone mount in your car. That way, you prevent a ticket and keep traffic safe.
Which rules apply to cyclists and motorcyclist
For cyclists and motorcyclists, the same rules apply. You can't have your phone in your hand and / or use it while driving. If you quickly check Google Maps to see which direction you have to go, you can get a ticket of € 174. That's why you should always put your smartphone in a phone mount on your bike or motorcycle, because this is allowed. You can make calls via Bluetooth earbuds. Keep your conversations short and make sure you keep focusing on your surroundings.