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Written by Marijn

What are the functions of a Veripart fridge?

With a Veripart fridge, you'll experience user-friendliness and useful functions. For example, you can store your fresh food for longer, and you never have to defrost the freezer compartment. We'll explain the differences between the functions of a Veripart fridge in this article.

Different models

Different models

Veripart fridges are available in different types and sizes. For example, you can easily find a model that suits you. A compact fridge easily fits in a small kitchen or studio, for example. Do you have a larger family? A fridge freezer combination is a good choice.

Never defrost again

Never defrost again

If you don't want to defrost the freezer compartment, choose a Veripart fridge with anti ice buildup. This technique reduces or prevents ice buildup on packages in the freezer drawers. With Low Frost, you only have to defrost 1 or 2 times per year. Don't you want to defrost at all? Choose No Frost.

Store groceries for longer

Store groceries for longer

Veripart fridges have useful techniques to store strawberries, blueberries, or bell peppers for longer. For example, some models have a fresh zone. This allows you to set the humidity you want. That's useful if you have a vegetable garden or if you buy groceries for the week.


Don't you want to pay the price of the fridge in 1 go? Choose a subscription. You'll rent a Veripart fridge for a fixed fee per month. Does the appliance break? We'll come to exchange or repair the fridge within 48 hours.

Article by:
Marijn Fridge Expert.
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