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Written by Caitlin

How do you replace a range hood?

Your range hood is broken and needs to be replaced. It's important that you keep in mind the location, the correct dimensions, and your current exhaust system, among other things. You can read how to replace a range hood in 6 steps here.

Step by step

Range hood in the kitchen

When replacing your range hood, proceed as follows:

  1. Determine the location of the range hood.
  2. Choose the right size depending on your kitchen.
  3. Check which exhaust system you have.
  4. Determine how powerful and silent the range hood should be.
  5. Remove the old model.
  6. Install the new model.

Step 1: determine the location of your product

Different types of range hoods

First, you determine the location of your new range hood. There are 3 options:

On the wall: choose a wall-mounted range hood.

Under a kitchen cabinet: you need an under-cabinet range hood.

In a kitchen cabinet: you can choose a slide-out range hood, built-in range hood, or integrated range hood.

Above a cooking island: you need an island range hood or ceiling range hood.

Step 2: determine the correct size

High and low range hood

The size of your new range hood depends on 2 things, the location you'll place the product and the size of your current cooktop or stove.

Placement: do you place the appliance in a kitchen cabinet? Remove your old product from the niche to measure the niche dimensions. Does the box next to it have the same dimensions? Measure this.

Current cooktop or stove: your range hood should always be the same size or slightly wider than your cooktop or stove. Otherwise, the appliance does not catch all cooking fumes.

Step 3: check which drainage system you have

Range hood that exhausts

Not all range hoods are suitable for every exhaust system. Make sure to check your current range hood and check which situation is applicable to your house.

Air exhaust system: the range hood exhausts air outwards. You need a range hood with motor. Recirculation system: the range hood filters the air and blows it back into the room. You need a range hood with motor. Central exhaust system: the range hood is connected to a central exhaust system. You need a range hood without motor.

Step 4: pay attention to suction power and sound

Range hood with noise level next to it

Is a silent range hood important to you? Choose a product with a noise level of 65dB or less. These range hoods produce the least amount of noise, relatively spoken. A low noise level affects the extraction rate. Make sure to check which extraction rate you need in advance. That way, you're sure the range hood will work properly.

Step 5: remove your old range hood

Back of the range hood and filter

Did you buy a new range hood? Make sure to remove the old product first. You can do this as follows:

  • Turn off the product and remove the chimney if present.
  • Unplug the connector from the socket.
  • Remove the filters.
  • Unscrew the range hood. Make sure you hold the range hood properly, so it doesn't fall down.

Step 6: place the new range hood

Coolbluer with range hood

How you install the new range hood depends on the brand. That's why you should always check the installation manual of the supplier. Thanks to this, you'll know for sure that you install the appliance the right way.

Article by:
Caitlin Range Hood Expert.
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