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Alecto carbon monoxide detectors

Alecto carbon monoxide detectors

  • 2 carbon monoxide detectors

Alecto carbon monoxide detectors will warn you in case of carbon monoxide poisoning danger for a long time. These detectors last 10 years from the moment they're made. When the battery is almost empty, you'll get a notification. For the rest, you don't have to think about the detectors. These Alecto detectors have a grainy texture, so they blend as much as possible with plastered walls. Choose a detector with a display when you want to know the exact carbon monoxide level. With a combi detector, you'll also be notified in case of smoke development in your home.

Alecto COA3910 White (10 years) Alecto carbon monoxide detector
Battery | Carbon monoxide | Sound signal
Sold out online
Alecto COA1910 White (10 years) Alecto carbon monoxide detector
Battery | Carbon monoxide | Sound signal
Sold out online
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