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Product reviews

Who can write a product review on the website?

We think it's important that as many customers as possible give their opinion on a product. That's why everyone who has bought a product from us can write a review about it on the website.

Do you receive a request to review the product after purchase?

After purchase, you'll receive a review request from us via email. You can subscribe and unsubscribe from this mailing via your My Coolblue account.

How does the review system for products from Coolblue work?

After purchase, we'll ask you the following questions:

  • Would you recommend this product?

  • Yes, I'd recommend it

  • No, I wouldn't recommend it

  • A rating from 1 - 5 stars for certain properties. These properties are determined by us and are specified for each product type. For example, you can rate the following properties for the Apple AirPods 2:

  • Design

  • Wearing comfort

  • User-friendliness

  • Sound quality

  • Look

  • Your experience: free text field

  • Your opinion in a sentence: free text field

  • Product images: free to upload

How does Coolblue calculate the average scores?

We don't use any complicated calculations and all reviews hold the same amount of value. The score of a review is the average of the scores for each property, like Design, Wearing comfort, User-friendliness, Sound quality, and Look. We round numbers off to the nearest half star.

The total average score is the average of all of the reviews. All of the numbers are added up and divided by the total number of reviews.

How long does it take for a review to become visible on the website?

To prevent misuse and/or coarse language, all reviews are first read by an employee. As a result, it can take a few days before a review becomes visible on the website.

How does Coolblue treat negative product reviews?

We treat all reviews the same way.

How is the (automatic) ranking of the reviews determined?

You can decide for yourself how you want to rank the reviews on a product page.

  • Most helpful
  • Most stars
  • Fewest stars
  • Newest
  • Oldest

The standard ranking is set to the 'Most helpful' reviews. This selection is made based on the number of thumbs (up or down) that the review has received. We always place our own expert reviews at the top.

Reviews of Coolblue

Does every customer receive a request to review Coolblue after a purchase?

No, we only send part of the customers a review request. Other customers receive an invitation for a customer satisfaction survey, unless a customer has already received a review request or customer satisfaction survey 3 weeks before.

Which platform does Coolblue use to send the invitations?

We send emails via our own email service.

Does Coolblue send invitations to leave a review on Trustpilot?

We send customers an invitation to leave a review on certain websites like price comparison websites. This happens when customers find our website via a specific website, for example. It's also possible to leave a review on Trustpilot without an invitation.

Does Coolblue also use the platform Kiyoh?

Yes, we refer part of our customers to the review page from Kiyoh.

Does Coolblue also refer customers to other platforms?

In the Netherlands, we refer a certain percentage of our customers to Trustpilot, Kiyoh, and Ervaringen.nl. The reviews of Coolblue on other websites aren't 'by our invitation'.

Can I post a negative review of Coolblue?

You're free to write a negative review about a product. This doesn't just help us, but also other customers.

Reliability reviews

How does Coolblue check the authenticity of reviews?

We think it's important that only real reviews are shown on our website. That's why we only invite you to write a review when you've purchased a product from us. All reviews are read and approved by a Coolblue employee.

We only disapprove a review when it doesn't meet our requirements, which include:

  • The review is shorter than 4 words.
  • The review contains contact information like phone numbers, addresses, and URLs.
  • The review contains websites or YouTube channels.
  • The review only describes the service from Coolblue and doesn't touch upon the product. A short reference to our service in a couple of sentences is allowed, but the review should mainly be about the product.
  • The review specifically mentions the current price of the product.
  • The review contains hurtful language, such as terms of abuse or discrimination.
  • The review is written in a different language than Dutch/Flemish, English, French, or German.
  • The review contains a photo that's irrelevant for the product type.

That means a review is allowed to contain spelling mistakes, consist of a single sentence, or express a negative opinion about the product.

Editing and removing reviews

In which cases does Coolblue edit or remove a review?

This only happens in specific situations. For example, when the customer finds that certain things are worth mentioning after (longer) use of the product. Or when the customer wants to remove the entire review because they don't want their name to be visible on our website.

How does Coolblue prevent misuse of the option to remove or edit a review?

We think it's important that real reviews are shown on our website. Reviews can't just randomly be edited or removed. It's only possible to edit or remove reviews when customers actively contact our Customer Service. In addition, you can only have your own reviews removed or edited when you've changed your mind about the product. In other cases, a review won't be edited or removed.

How does Coolblue keep track of the reviews that are removed afterwards?

We don't keep track. Removed reviews are actually removed. We don't keep a record of them.

Old reviews for new or renewed products

Does Coolblue show reviews of older products for new or renewed products as well?

Sometimes products are so much alike that it's useful to use the same reviews for multiple products. For example, for successive versions or if a phone or laptop has different storage capacities. Reviews of the 256GB version can be shown for the 512GB version as well. We do always indicate for which specific version of the product the review was originally written.

Rewarded reviews

Does Coolblue also offer a fee or a reward to post reviews?

We don't post reviews on our website that the customer has been paid for by us or rewarded for in a different way by us. For example, when a cashback, discount, or free product is offered in exchange for writing a review.

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