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Written by Caitlin

What's an energy-efficient range hood?

A range hood is energy-efficient if it has an A+ energy label or higher. A range hood with this label consumes the least energy and allows you to save up to € 24 on annual energy costs. Over a 10-year lifespan, you could save up to € 240. You can find the energy label of a range hood on the actual energy label.

Energy-efficient with A+ energy label or higher

Energy-efficient range hood energy label

A range hood is energy-efficient if it has an A+ energy label or higher. The more plus signs, the more energy-efficient the range hood. Currently, the most energy-efficient range hood has an A++ energy label. Because this continues to develop, the highest energy label in 2021 will be A+++.

About € 8 annual energy costs

Energy-efficient range hood

With an energy-efficient A++ range hood, the annual energy costs are about € 8. By contrast, a range hood with an E energy label isn't energy-efficient and costs € 32 per year on average. Because a range hood lasts for years, you can save a nice amount over its lifespan.

Saves € 24 annual energy costs

Savings energy-efficient range hood

With an energy-efficient A+++ range hood, you save up to € 24 annual energy costs compared to an E range hood that's not energy-efficient. Suppose that your range hood lasts 10 years, you'll save € 240 over its lifespan. Compared to the average C energy label, an A++ range hood saves up to € 9 on energy costs per year and € 90 over its lifespan.

Energy label and consumption on energy label

Energy label and wattage on energy label range hood

Want to know which energy label a range hood has? Check the energy label on it. It also indicates the wattage consumption of the range hood and lighting. This calculation is based on 60 minutes of use and 120 hours of lighting per day.

Article by:
Caitlin Range Hood Expert.
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