What's a Haier Easy Access freezer drawer?
With a Haier fridge with Easy Access freezer drawers, the freezer compartment works slightly differently than you're used to. Instead of opening a door to the freezer, you pull the drawer towards you right away. There is no door, which means you can acces all your frozen fruit, pizzas, or frozen leftovers more quickly. You slide the drawers back and forth with a slide rail system, which is sturdy and wears less quickly. As such, you have a lot of ease of operation with these freezer drawers.
Keep an overview
The drawers provide a lot of extra freezer space, in which you have a broad overview. You can see what is in your freezer at a glance. This is useful when you're deciding what you want to cook tonight or making a grocery list, since you have a better overall picture of the content of your freezer.
More energy-efficient
These Easy Access drawers also contribute to the environment. Less cold air escapes from these drawers compared to a fridge with a door for the freezer compartment. This reduces your energy costs with a good 30%. You save € 180 throughout its lifespan in the end, which is nice for your wallet.
Useful techniques
These drawers have useful gadgets so you can store your frozen food in the best possible way. Thanks to NoFrost, there is no ice buildup in the drawers or on the packaging of your food. The Fresher Field helps the freezer compartment with this process by closing it off from the heat. As a result, the temperature in the freezer remains constant. In addition to the user-friendly and energy-efficient design, you'll also enjoy the innovativeness.