What do you need to prepare your home office for winter?
Daylight lamps
Dark winter days are sometimes the cause of various complaints, such as fatigue, boredom, and insomnia. Many people suffer from winter depression, but did you know that a daylight lamp could help? Daylight lamps give you the strength natural daylight provides to increase your energy level. Place the lamp on or next to your desk and turn it on for 20 to 30 minutes a day. This gives you a great energy boost, so you can get through the working day with more energy.
Convection heaters
It's nice if your home office is warm during the winter months. Electric heating may help with that. You can use a convection heater in your home office. These heaters make little noise, which is great if you work from home. They heat up quickly, so you don't have to wait long for it to reach a comfortable temperature. This type of heaters is usually smaller. You can even place some models on your desk.
It's cold outside and the heater is on, so it's no surprise if the air in the house is dry. If the humidity is too low, it can cause complaints like burning eyes and a dry throat. That's unpleasant. Luckily, you can do something about it. A humidifier distributes water in the air, which makes makes the room more humid. This way, you can reduce your physical complaints or completely get rid of them. This makes working from home somewhat more pleasant.