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Written by Robyn

What's the difference between a refurbished Apple iPad and a new Apple iPad?

A refurbished iPad is a refurbished, second-hand iPad. That's what makes a refurbished iPad an environmentally-friendly and affordable choice. A refurbished iPad may show light traces of use, because it's a second-hand tablet. You won't have this with a new iPad. In this article, we'll tell you everything on the difference between refurbished and new Apple iPad models.

Comparison between a refurbished iPad and new iPad

Refurbished iPad New iPad
Appearance May show light traces of use No traces of use, entirely new
Packaging Other packaging Original Apple packaging
Price More beneficial price than a new product Original price
Offer Old and new iPad models The latest models
Included accessories None Original Apple USB-C cable and charger

Appearance and packaging

Unboxed refurbished iPad

Refurbished iPad: light traces of use, other packaging

A refurbished iPad is a second-hand iPad that's been checked and repaired with new parts if necessary. That's why a refurbished iPad still has the same quality as an original iPad. Because the tablet has been used before, it might show light traces of use like small scratches on the casing or the screen. A refurbished iPad also comes in different packaging than a new iPad.

New iPad with Coolblue expert

New iPad: completely new product, original Apple packaging

You can expect a new iPad to be delivered without any damage. The product hasn't been used before. A new iPad in the original Apple packaging also includes an original charging cable and charger.

Sustainability and price

Refurbished iPad back

Refurbished iPad: sustainable and beneficial choice

A refurbished iPad is a sustainable choice. You'll give a new life to a second-hand iPad. In addition, most iPad models are made of recycled aluminum. This makes them very sustainable. It's also a nice choice for your wallet, because refurbished iPad models are always cheaper than newer versions.

New iPad with great screen

New iPad: sustainable product, original price

The Apple iPad is often made of recycled aluminum, which makes the product more sustainable than other tablets. You'll pay the original price for a new iPad.


Different refurbished iPad models

Refurbished iPad: old and new models

You can choose from both newer and older iPad models. You can still buy your favorite, older iPad model like new that way. The battery works properly, the device has been checked, and it's been repaired if necessary.

New iPad unboxed

New iPad: the latest models only

Do you prefer to buy a new iPad? You'll end up with the latest models. Older iPad models are taken off the market after a while, so they're no longer available as new. You can only buy them as refurbished models.


Do you prefer to have the latest model, and doesn't it matter if the price tag is high? Choose a new Apple iPad. If you want to make a sustainable choice and you don't care about having the latest model, a refurbished iPad is suitable for you. Besides, a refurbished iPad has a more beneficial price tag. A refurbished iPad doesn't include a charging cable and charger adapter. You have to purchase these separately.

Article by:
Robyn Apple Expert.
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