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Written by Caitlin

How much time does a fast microwave save me?

If you choose a microwave with a high power, you shorten the warm-up time of dishes. In this article, I'll provide the time savings of 2 typical microwave meals: soup and a ready meal. For the savings, I compare the heating times in a microwave with a low 700W power and a high 1000W power.

Warm-up time in minutes (example)

1000 watts (high power) 900 watts (average power) 800 watts (low power) 700 watts (low power)
Soup 3:35 4:00 4:30 5:10
Ready meals 4:30 5:00 5:35 6:25

A warm-up meal warms up 2 minutes faster

Microwave with open door

A ready meal that you can heat up in 6:25 minutes in a 700W microwave according to the packaging is hot after 4:30 minutes in a 1000W microwave. So you save about 2 minutes. As a result, the time saved on each dish is different. This example just gives you an indication of how much faster a microwave with a high power can heat something.

Soup heats up 1.5 minutes faster

Soup in microwave

Imagine: the packaging says that you should heat the soup with a power of 700W for 5:10 minutes. If you choose a microwave with a high 1000W power, you can heat the soup in less than 3:30 minutes. This is over 1:30 minutes faster than in a microwave with low power.

Article by:
Caitlin Microwave Expert.
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